What Does Twitter Analytics Include?

SocialPilot analyses all tweets for your connected Twitter accounts - even the ones which weren't published using SocialPilot. You can view and download it for the Last 7 Days, 15 Days, 1 Month, 2 Months, and 3 Months. 

All the data shown in the Twitter analytics section in SocialPilot is according to user-specific timezone.

What is Overview?

The overview shows the number of followers, the number of tweets published, and the number of accounts followed during the specified period of time.

What are Daily Tweets?

Daily Tweets are the number of tweets you post daily from your account.

What is Tweet Frequency?

Tweet Frequency refers to the number of times you tweet at different hours of the day.  When you visualize the data for more than one week, you will be able to see the frequency for overall individual days of the week. Meaning if you see data for a whole week, you will see how many tweets you did for all the Sundays which occurred in that time period under Weekly overview. 

You can also have an overview of how many tweets you have posted per day.


The Content-Type refers to the type of tweets you post - Text tweet, Image/Link tweet, Video tweet - and the number of re-tweets your tweets received. All the Engagement Insights which are shown to you are authentic data that you have received on your Twitter posts. 

What is Audience Engagement?

Audience engagement shows you the number of likes, replies, and retweets your tweets have received along with engagement insights in figures. All the engagements which you received are shown to you in a date-wise format in the graphical section. 

What is Tweet Performance?

The performance of your individual tweets during the specified time period is detailed here. You can sort the list based on popularity, most retweeted, and most favorite.

Get details of your total mentions, top mentioned tweets, and your top 5 supporters for the specified period of time. The popular hashtags also tell you which hashtags are fetching you the most reach.

My SocialPilot analytics don’t match with my Twitter analytics. Why?

Twitter does not provide us with a public API. Consequently, our analysis is based on the tweet details we get from Twitter. Hence, you might find some differences between SocialPilot analytics and Twitter analytics.

You can share and download your analytics reports from SocialPilot.

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