Why Am I Being Asked To Re-connect My Account(s)?

When you connect any social media profiles to your SocialPilot account, a connection forms between the platforms. While linking the accounts, SocialPilot asks for certain mandatory permissions. This allows them to exchange information, like scheduling posts, retrieving analytics data, social inbox, etc. 

When these permissions are revoked, the bridge between the two platforms is broken. 

SocialPilot can no longer retrieve any data or publish posts to those accounts or any pages and groups connected to that profile. That is why you are being asked to reconnect these accounts.

This may happen due to the following reasons:

  • When you change your password for a particular social media account, your access token expires automatically. Hence, you must reconnect your account. 
  • Some sites such as Facebook allow us to share content on your account for 60 days only. After that, you'll need to reconnect your account.
  • You might have removed SocialPilot from the app directory of that social media account. This prevents SocialPilot from accessing your account and any related pages or groups.
  • It's possible that you don't have the necessary role on the Facebook account in question, or some permissions may have been deactivated when giving SocialPilot access to your Facebook account.

1. SocialPilot App Removed From Business Integrations

You can connect multiple Facebook pages, groups, and Instagram business accounts to their SocialPilot account, which fall under the same Facebook profile.

When you REMOVE the SocialPilot from a single Facebook profile's Business Integrations, all the Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, and Instagram Business profiles under that profile will get disconnected.

This can happen when you remove SocialPiot from your Facebook Business Integrations.

Business Integrations are nothing but 3rd party apps you connect to your Facebook profile to share data with them. The purpose behind this may be varied, but generally, it is to assist the objectives you use your Facebook profile for.

But don't worry, as reconnecting the Facebook profile to SocialPilot will lead to all the pages and groups under it getting reconnected to SocialPilot again. 

To Reconnect Your Account

  • The account that needs reconnecting will show an error message. Select the account you want to reconnect and click on the 'Reconnect' button.
  • This should take you to the social media site to reconfirm the password. Provide all the permissions from the authorization dialog box. Once you've done this, you are all set.
If you've been asked to reconnect the account multiple times, you need to re-authorize it .

The best move would be never to remove SocialPilot from Facebook’s Business Integrations. You can check them to ensure SocialPilot is connected to your FB account. 

Here Is How To Access Facebook Business Integrations:

  1. Open your Facebook profile page.
  2. Click on your Profile icon on the top-right corner of the page. 
  3. Now select Settings and Privacy > Settings
  4. Go to Security & Login from the left menu bar. 
  5. Now select Business Integrations

You will find SocialPilot in the list of apps under Business Integrations. 

Do not remove SocialPilot from Business Integrations. It is essential for us that this application remains here so that we can maintain connection and continue posting.

You will find SocialPilot under the Removed apps if you have accidentally deleted it from Business Integrations. Make sure to reconnect SocialPilot to Facebook. 

If you're facing issues reconnecting your account(s), please get in touch with our Support team

2. Account Disconnection Due To Missing Roles and/or Permissions on Facebook Page and Instagram Business

Facebook has recently tweaked its user experience for accessing certain features. You can read more about how the classic page and the new page experience vary from each other here:

Facebook Page Access and Roles

Now, for any SocialPilot user to access all the Facebook features and connect their Facebook pages and Instagram Business pages to their SocialPilot account, there are some requirements. You have to possess the suitable:

  1. Roles / Task Access
  2. Permissions

In the absence of these, your account will be partially or totally disconnected. 

In the upcoming sections, we will show you how to fulfill these requirements and reconnect your account if it gets disconnected.  Let us go through these requirements in detail. 

  1. Roles / Task Access:

If you are using the Classic Pages experience, there are six roles that determine the level of access a user has to a page. You can learn more about their functions by clicking here. To use all the relevant features in SocialPilot, you would either have to be:

  • Admin who has full access
  • Editor, who has access to all features except designating roles

In the case of New Pages experience, users have to have access to certain Tasks, which represent the usage of the Facebook features. You need to have access to all these tasks to use all the functions from Facebook in SocialPilot. They are as follows:

  • Content: Create, manage, or delete posts, stories, and more. Respond to comments and update Page information.
  • Messages and community activity: Respond to direct messages as the Page in Inbox, comment, manage unwanted content, and report activity on the Page.
  • Insights: See how the Page, content, ads, and other metrics perform.

📋 Note:

You can't connect Facebook pages or Instagram Business pages to your Social Pilot account without -

  1. The Role of an Admin or Editor
  2. The task access of Content

  1. Permissions Access:

Another requirement to fully access and manage Facebook using SocialPilot is to ensure you grant all required permissions during account connection. These permissions let SocialPilot manage your Facebook account without a problem. The same goes for Instagram business pages.

All these permissions correspond to SocialPilot being able to

  • Create and manage content on your page
  • Monitor and reply to messages, comments, and reviews
  • Retrieve data for the analytics and reporting of the page and content performance
  • Boost Facebook posts for optimum reach

So make sure that you keep all the permissions enabled while authorizing SocialPilot to your Facebook pages. Do not check off anything from there, or else some functionalities may not work properly.

3. In Case of Missing Roles or Permissions

When a role or permission is missing from your accounts, SocialPilot will detect this, and two types of scenarios can take place.

  1. Missing Role

If you lack specific roles or access to tasks for a Facebook page, you'll be unable to manage those functionalities through your SocialPilot account.

For example, if you are missing the task access of “Messages and community activity,” you will not be able to access the Social Inbox for the page on SocialPilot. Instead, you will be notified of your missing role.

How to Fix this?

Contact the Admin of the Facebook page in question and ask them to give you the required role or task access. In the above example, you will have to have task access of Messages and Community activity. 

Once done, return to the dashboard shown above and click on Refresh. The page with all the information will be loaded in SocialPilot, and you will be able to access the feature in question without any hindrance.

  1. Missing Permission

While connecting the account, the user may not have provided permission to manage a feature from the Facebook Authorization dialog box. Then it's a case of Missing Permission. This might also happen if you remove the permission from Business Integration.

For example, if the Page Insights permission is disabled by the user, SocialPilot will not be able to retrieve Analytics data from this page for you.

So whenever you go to the Analytics section of the SocialPilot dashboard, this message will be shown to you:

How to Fix Missing Permission?

Just click on the Reconnect button shown below the missing permission message. You will be asked to provide the missing permissions when you re-authorize SocialPilot, to your account. Make sure to grant all those missing permissions.

After that, you will be able to access the said feature without a problem.

  1. Missing Roles and Permissions

This sometimes may be the case that you have neither the role nor the permission to access certain functionalities on SocialPilot. So when you go to use the feature, the following messaging will be shown to you:

How to Fix Missing Roles and Permissions?

The process is the same as mentioned above. Here is how you proceed:

  1. Obtain the Role (or Task Access) first by contacting the page Admin. Once done, Refresh your SocialPilot page.
  2. Reconnect your Facebook page to the SocialPilot account and grant all the missing permissions during re-authorizations.

Getting both approvals will enable you to utilize all the functions on SocialPilot.

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