How do I manage my Groups?

  • What is a Group?

A Group is a collection of some of your connected social media accounts. 

This feature in SocialPilot allows you to club some accounts and put them in a group - say 'Technology Groups,' 'Political Groups', etc.

Actions like creating a postsharing suggestionsadding feeds, etc., require you to select the account(s) every time. It can get cumbersome to sort through, identify and select accounts when you have so many of them. Groups make it easier for you to find accounts.

Just select a group, and all accounts within that group will get selected automatically.

  • How to Create a Group?

Follow these steps to create a Group:

  1. Log into the SocialPilot panel.
  2. Click on Groups & Create Group from the sidebar menu.
  3. Enter the Group Name. The name should help you identify those accounts.
  4. Enter the Group Description. You can add relevant details about the accounts in this group.
  5. Select Accounts that you wish to include in this group.

  1. Click on the 'Create Group' button, and you are done!

Now, when you create a post, you can select a group, and all accounts in the group will be selected automatically.

This saves you the effort and time in selecting multiple accounts - one by one.

Moreover, you don't miss adding any accounts while scheduling posts.

  • Edit/Delete Accounts in a Group

Follow these steps to add/delete accounts in a group (if you haven't created a group yet, you can create one by following these steps here.)

  1. Log into the SocialPilot account.
  2. If you want to add accounts to a group: Click on 'Groups' -> Manage Groups

  1. Click the Edit button on the group you want to make changes to. You can add new accounts, delete accounts and change the group name and description as required.

  1. Click on the 'Save' button and your selected accounts will be added to the group.

📋 Note:

  • To delete an account from the Group, just go to that Group and un-select the account you wish to delete.
  • Deleting a Group doesn't lead to deleting/disconnecting associated accounts. 

  • If I Delete a Group, Will All Associated Accounts Be Deleted?

No. Deleting a Group doesn't lead to all associated accounts getting deleted. 

  • Can One Account Be Added To More Than One Group?

Yes. You can add an account to multiple Groups. 

  • Is There a Limit To How Many Accounts Can Be Added To a Group?

No. You are free to add as many accounts to a Group, as you want. 

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