How Do I Change The Default URL Shortener?

Follow these steps to change your default URL shortener:

  1. Log in to the SocialPilot panel.
  2. Select Settings -> URL Shortening
  3. You'll see the 'connect URL Shortener' page.
  4. Navigate to your current Default URL Shortener and click on the little cross sign next to 'Default’'

The URL shortener you had selected as your default previously, will be removed.

  1. Click on the URL shortener you wish to set as default.

  1. Select the 'Set as default’ option from the drop-down menu.

Now, the URL shortener you selected has been set as default. 

📋 Note:

Even if you have set a default URL shortener, the posts will be published only with the URL shortener you have selected for that particular account. URL Shortening does not work on Pinterest as they consider this as Spam and a violation of their terms. Please see

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