How do I Invite a Client?


SocialPilot's Team and Client Management feature enables you to add clients to your team and give them access to review scheduled posts, social inbox conversations, analytics reports, and connect accounts from social platforms to which they are given access.

In This Article

  1. How to Invite a Client Using the Client Invite Link?
  2. How Do I Remove Clients?

You can add clients if you are the team's Owner or Admin. When you invite a Client to SocialPilot and give them access to particular social media accounts, they occupy the role of a Manager by default with view post access. 

Follow these steps to invite a Client to your SocialPilot workspace:

  1. Log into the SocialPilot panel.
  2. From the Profile icon on the top right corner, click on Users.

  3. In the 'Users' page, click on the dropdown beside the Invite User button to access the SocialPilot Client Invite Link.

How to Update The Client Invite Link

  1. You can update the settings for this link any time you want. You have to click on the drop-down beside the Invite User button to access the Edit SocialPilot Client Invite Link.

  2. Now, here are all the changes you can make to the Client Invite Link from the Edit Link menu:
    • Enable/Disable the link for any amount of time so no new user can use it to join your team.
    • Refresh the link to change it into a new one so the old link will become inactive. 
    • Manage permissions for the client to publish posts, view analytics or manage social inbox. 
    • Allow social platforms access so the client joining with this link can connect accounts from only the allowed platforms. 

  3. The configuration you set for the invite link for the time will be applicable to every user joining with that link. Only when you edit the link settings again will this configuration change.

✔️ If you enable the 'Publish Post' access for a client, they will be counted as a team member. Say you are on the Agency plan, which allows 5 team members and the owner. If you have added 5 clients with Publish Post permission, you will not be able to add any more members as all those clients will be counted as team members. Thus you will have reached your plan's limit.

⚠️Note: Your clients cannot permanently disconnect/delete their accounts. This limitation prevents you from losing all your data for an account in case a client deletes/disconnects that account. 

How Do I Remove Clients?

You can delete clients and other members if you are the Account Owner or Admin.

  1. Log into the SocialPilot panel.
  2. From the Profile icon on the top right corner, click on Users.

  3. You'll see the 'Users' page.

  4. Click the Delete icon for a client you want to remove him/her from your team.

    To delete multiple members, select the checkboxes for them and click 'Delete'.

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