What Does Google Business Profile Analytics Include?

SocialPilot's Google Business Profile analytics reports give you a peek into how people find your business listing on Google, interact with your posts, and act after visiting your listing.

You can get insights for selected listings for up to 3 months or any customized time period within that.

SocialPilot gives you all the metrics for Google Business Profile according to PST.


This section gives you a general idea of how your posts for the selected location have performed. The information will be based on the duration you select. This means any impressions, reviews, activities, etc., made on your Google Business Page before the selected period will not reflect here.

How do Customers Find Your Business?

This section shows a breakdown of all the impressions your page got through Google search or maps. The graph also shows whether those impressions were received on a desktop or mobile device.

Where Do Customers Find Your Business On Google?

This section of insights shows how many customers found you via Google Search or Google Maps within the selected period of time. See the number of views your listing received:

  • Listing on Search: Number of customers who found your business via Google Search.
  • Listing on Maps: Number of customers who found your business via Google Maps.

Customer Actions

This section shows how customers behave after they found your listing on Google. See the types of actions your customers performed when viewing your listing:

  • Visit your website: Number of customers who viewed your website.
  • Request directions: Number of customers who requested directions to your business.
  • Call you: Number of customers who called your business.

Customer Actions- Days of the week

This section shows a graphical breakdown of the actions taken on your listing on each day of the week for the selected time period.  

Customer Reviews

In this section, you will be able to see every review your listing has received within the selected time-period. Check out the dates they were given, the name of the person who wrote them in the specific time period, along with the star rating given to your page. You can check at a glance whether you have responded to a review or not. 

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