How to Use Canva on SocialPilot?

With Canva integration, you can now free yourself from the hassle of downloading and uploading your creative from one platform to another. SocialPilot provides you with an option to directly publish up to 4 images through Canva in the same post.

Here is a guide to designing and publishing your images through SocialPilot:

  1. Log into the SocialPilot dashboard.
  2. Click on Post from the side panel and go to Create Post.

  3. Click on the Canva button to create an image. Then, you must pick the size of the design.

  4. You will now have a pop-up to Login/Sign up to Canva.

  5. Create your image or bring your designs from All Your Design Folders and click on the Publish button to add the creative to your post.

  6. And the image will be there in Create Post which you can schedule by selecting one of the scheduling options.

✔️ You can bring your designs from Canva to SocialPilot; however, Canva does not allow you to save images from SocialPilot window. 

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