What Does Instagram Analytics Include?

SocialPilot analyzes all your connected Instagram business accounts and provides you with in-depth reports to help you understand your audience and how they interact with your content better.

You can view, download (with plans Small Team and above), email, and schedule the analytics report of your Instagram business accounts for up to 3 months or any customized time period within 3 months without data comparison. The duration is allowed and permitted per the API shared by Instagram.

We have divided the Instagram analytics reports into four sections:

In This Article

  1. Profile
  2. Post
  3. Stories
  4. Reels

You can access each section to see its reports, by switching between four tabs provided on top of the analytics page.

Letโ€™s uncover each section of the Instagram analytics tab by tab.

1. Profile

Profile Overview

As the name suggests, this section gives you an overview of the basic engagement metrics you have received on your Instagram profile within the chosen time frame. Let us see all of these metrics under overview:

  • Followers - Total number of followers on your Instagram page. 
  • Profile Views - Total number of people who visited your Instagram profile within the selected period of time.
  • Reach - The number of unique users who have seen any content from your Instagram profile on their screens in the selected time period. Repeated views from the same person are not counted. 
  • Impressions - The total number of times content from your Instagram profile appeared on the screen of other Instagram users within the selected timeframe. 
  • Website Clicks - The number of taps on the website link in your profile in between the time you have selected to view the analytics for. 

Except for Followers, all the other metrics under the Profile Overview show the percentage of change in them compared to the time period previous to the one currently selected. 

๐Ÿ“‹ Note:

The "Followers" box doesnโ€™t change according to the different time-frame you choose. It shows you the total count of followers you have on your Instagram profile.

New followers

The New Follower Count refers to the number of followers you have gained in the last 30 days . It gives you a graphical representation of the number of new followers against a particular date. 

On the right-hand side, you will see the number of new followers and the percentage change in this number compared to it in the previous time period.

๐Ÿ“‹ Note:

As per Instagram's API guidelines, Audience Demographics, Locations, and Followers' Online Activity sections would be visible only if the Instagram account has more than 100 followers.

Audience Demographics

In this section, you get the specific metrics of your audience demographics based on the age and gender of your profile visitors.

In the age and gender graph, you will see the number of males and females gender-unspecific against their age group. 

Also on the right side, you will see a pie chart distinguishing between the percentage of different gendered visitors on your profile. All this data is retrieved from Instagram. 

What is the "Location" section?

In this section, you will be able to see the majority of your followers belong to which city or country. You can see the location of followers based on cities or countries just by switching on a tab given on the top right-hand side.

What is the "Follower online activity" section?

This section will help you find the best time to post on your Instagram account. The graphical representation summarizes the chosen period data and shows you the number of followers present online at each hour of the day. The data chart is shown according to the users' time zone.

๐Ÿ“‹ Note:

The data shown in the Follower online activity chart is shown according to the users' time zone.

2. Post

Post Overview

As the name suggests, this section gives you an overview of the basic engagement metrics you have received on your Instagram posts within the chosen time frame.

Let's go through each of the metrics in the Post Overview:

  • Reach - This refers to the number of unique users who have seen your Instagram posts, including photo, video, and carousel posts, at least once within the selected time period. 
  • Engagement - The number of likes, comments, and saves received by all your photos, videos, and carousel posts within the time frame selected to video the analytics for. 
  • Likes - Number of likes your posts that were published within the time period in question have gotten. 
  • Comments - Total comments made on your posts that were published within the time period in question. 
  • Saves - Number of posts published within the given time frame, which were saved by the audience. 
  • Posts - Total number of posts that were published within the time frame selected to view the analytics. 

All the metrics in the post-overview section reflect the percentage change in them as compared to the value in the previous time period. This means that if you are seeing the analytics for the month of January, they will show the change in the numbers as compared to the numbers in December. 


The Reach section shows you how many unique people viewed your posts. 

You can also monitor on which day your posts have the maximum reach. This helps you in knowing when to publish more posts to get a better reach.

On the right-hand side, you will see the increase or decrease in percentage and the total reach since the previous period, along with the exact number of the reach for the selected time frame. 

Post Engagement

This section gives you the graphical representation of the number of likes, comments, and saves you have received on your posts in between the chosen time period.

Blue, yellow, and grey color lines are assigned to likes, comments, and post saves, respectively.

On the right-hand side, under Engagement Insights, you will see the increase or decrease in the percentage of the total number of engagements in the selected time period and the number of each type of engagement, including likes, comments, and saves, since the previous period.

Post Performance

The Post-performance section has a wealth of information to evaluate the performance of your individual post.

You can see the following data for all the posts you have uploaded between the chosen time period:

  • Published date (shown according to user time zone)
  • Posts caption and image preview
  • Post type
  • Comments
  • Reach 
  • Impressions (Total number of times the post has been seen)
  • Saves
  • Engagement rate (Engagement on the post as a percentage of the unique impressions) 

Also, you can re-share your most engaging posts right from the analytics tab.

Hashtag Performance

This section ranks your best hashtags based on their average reach, average engagement, and the number of times they have been used in a post.

3. Stories

This section, just like stories, is ephemeral. The analytics of stories posted will be visible here for a period of 24 hours. With the story on your Instagram page analytics here will also vanish.

Stories Overview

This section gives you an overview of the reach and engagement metrics you have received on your Instagram, along with the number of stories posted in the past 24 hours.

  • Reach - Total number of unique people who saw your Stories.
  • Replies - Number of replies on your stories.
  • Taps Forward - The number of times people tapped to see the next photos or videos in your stories.
  • Exits - The number of times people swiped out of your stories before they ended.
  • Stories - Number of stories you published in the last 24 hours. 

Stories Performance

Here you can get a proper idea of how people are interacting with your stories.

The horizontal bar graph shows you the number of Replies, Taps back, Taps forward, and Exits you have received on all your stories in the past 24 hours.

What is the "Individual stories performance" section?

This section has a wealth of information to evaluate the performance of your individual story.

You can see the following data for all the stories you have uploaded in the past 24 hours:

  • Published on (displayed according to user's time zone)
  • Story thumbnail
  • Story type
  • Backs
  • Exits
  • Forwards
  • Impressions
  • Reach
  • Replies

๐Ÿ“‹ Note:

Please note that the reposts for Facebook Pages and Instagram Business accounts will be presented according to the user's time zone, as that is a restriction by Facebook.

4. Reels

The Instagram analytics feature in SocialPilot has a dedicated section for reels. Here you get all the insights specific to reels posted on your business account. 

Reels Overview

Just like the previous sections, reels-overview gives you a quick run-through of how your content has been performing out there for the time specified. This section includes the number of published reels, their reach, and the interactions they garnered in the time frame you have selected.

  • Reels - Number of reels published in the selected time period.
  • Reach - The unique number of people who saw your reels.
  • Interactions - This includes all the engagement on your reels, including likes, shares, saves, and comments. 
  • Likes - The likes on all your reels published within the selected time period. 
  • Plays - Total number of times your reels were played. 
  • Saves - The number of unique accounts that have saved your reels.

Reels Reach

This section gives you the exact number of viewers your reel has had as well as the trend of the viewer-count over the time-period you have selected.

Under Reach Insights, the percentage change of the reach as compared to the previous time period and the exact number of reach for the selected time frame is available for you. 

Reels Interaction

This graph gives you the break-up of the number of viewer interactions your reel has generated for the duration you have opted for. The metrics include the number of likes, comments, shares and saves. 

The graphical view helps you determine the date when your content scored the highest interactions. 

On the right-side of the graph, under Interaction Insights, you will find latest numbers of viewer-engagement for the duration. Also the rise or fall in the percentage of the overall interaction of the current is given here. 

What is the "Reels performance" section?

This section shows a detailed breakdown of all the metrics which you will need to analyze the performance of your reels, individually. Yes, here all the numbers for your reels on the Instagram business account are listed separately. 

You will get the following data in the reels performance section:

  • Publishing date and time (displayed according to user's time zone)
  • Reel caption and preview image
  • Reach
  • Interactions
  • Plays
  • Likes
  • Saves
  • Shares
  • Comments

You will also get the link to go to each and every reel you published. 

What is the "Hashtag performance" section in the Reels tab?

Just like the hashtag performance section for Instagram Posts, there is one available for your reels as well. Here you will find the most popular hashtags with the average reach and interactions they accrued. 

You will also find the number of reels for which that hashtag was used. 

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