Replying to Facebook Posts, Comments, Messages, and Reviews

All messages and comments received on your Facebook Page can be seen under the Facebook tab available in the Inbox section in your SocialPilot dashboard. You can also see page reviews left by the audience for a Facebook page if you have enabled the feature on the native platform.

Social Inbox helps you manage these messages, comments, and reviews by letting you access all of them in a single space so you can reply to them in real-time.

Monitoring page reviews, in particular, can help you gauge the general opinion of your audience about your content, brand, or your overall image.

In order to utilize our Facebook Inbox, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your SocialPilot account.
  2. Click on Social Inbox > Facebook from the side panel.

  1. This is your Social Inbox for all connected Facebook Pages.
  2. Select the Facebook Page of your choice.

  1. As you click on a Page, in the second fold, you'll see a drop-down button 'All'. Click on the drop-down and select a category amongst 'Messages', ‘ Comments’, ‘Posts’, or ‘Reviews.’

  1. Select a message from the list of conversations and type your reply. If you don't wish to see this item in your inbox anymore, mark it as 'Done.' 

    You can view this message under 'Done' anytime.

You will be able to see all your comments, posts, messages, and page reviews from the last 30 days in your Social Inbox.

📋 Note:  

  • Currently, you won't be able to add reactions to your comments and posts while using Social Inbox for Facebook Pages.
  • You can reply to Facebook comments, posts, and page reviews with images uploaded from your own device, stock images or GIFs from the Unsplash plugin, or by adding emojis along with the text.

  • As of now, you can reply to messages with text only.
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