How To Fix Issues Regarding Image Dimensions?

Every social media platform has slightly different specifications regarding image dimensions. If the image size you want to schedule exceeds the limitations of what is allowed natively on the platform, SocialPilot will optimize the image internally. So the post will get published without any problems. 

But if the image dimensions are incompatible with the platforms you select for scheduling the post, the tool will show an error message, “Incorrect image dimension.” 

The right way to fix this problem is to either resize your image to fit the platform's specs or crop it to fit the suitable aspect ratio. 

SocialPilot gives you both solutions to edit your images, so you don't have to use a separate tool. 

  • Crop
  • Resize

Here’s how you fix the aspect ratio/ crop an image in SocialPilot

When you compose your post, you add the text content in the given field and upload the images. Then you select the accounts to post on. This is where SocialPilot will show you the error messages, prompting you to fix them.

The red dots visible beside the platforms’ respective tabs signify the ones for which the image is not fitting the given criteria.

To fix the aspect ratio of the images with dimension-related errors, follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Edit’ displayed beside the error message below the image.

  1. The image editor will pop up.

  1. The editor, by default, opens with the ‘Crop’ menu. Here you will find pre-defined aspect ratios as well as a custom crop option.
  2. You can click on any of the given aspect ratios to crop your image into that size. Move the image around in the given frame to keep the focus on the portion you want.

  1. You can also select the ‘Custom’ crop option and manually crop it. The height and width of the image change as you move the corner anchors. This cropping option won't restrict the image to a fixed aspect ratio.
  2. Even after cropping the image, another error message will be shown if it doesn’t suit the platform you have selected.

  1. If you want to reverse any change you made to the image with the editor, you can use
  • Undo - reverses changes you made, one at a time.
  • Redo - restores any edit you have removed the same way.
  • Revert - delete all the edits you made to your image and restore it to its original form.
  1. When the cropping is finished and no further error is shown, click on ‘Done’ and schedule your post for all the accounts you have selected.

That's how you can crop your images from within SocialPilot and post them without a hitch.

📋 Note:

There is a quick fix for any crop issues if you get errors in more than one platform.

For example, you are creating a post for Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google Business Profile accounts. However, the images you have added to the post have errors regarding image dimensions for Instagram and GBP. 

If you switch to the Instagram or GBP tab in the scheduler and edit the image and go to apply the changes, the tool will ask if you want to apply the crop and fix the dimension-related error for the rest of the platforms.

If you click on ‘Yes’, the errors for that image will be fixed for all platforms, and it will be ready for scheduling.

Now let's see how to resize an image:

  1. Upload the image in the post composer and click on the edit image icon to open the image editor.
  2. Now from the left-hand side menu, select the “Resize” option just below Crop.

  1. The fields for width and height of the image with their current values are displayed at the bottom of the image preview.

  1. You can resize the image by changing either width or height values.
  2. If you change the width, the tool will dynamically change the height to fit the current image aspect ratio.

📋 Note:

Clicking on the lock sign in between the weight and height fields will fix the current aspect ratio of the image. The dimensions will then be changeable, but the aspect ratio will remain the same.  

  1. After entering the desired value, click on “Done.

Be assured that this is a very convenient way to resize your image when you know the dimensions which work for each platform. You can get the complete social media image size cheat sheet right on SocialPilot’s website.


  • The changes you make to the original draft of the image will be applied to all the platforms for the accounts.
  • To make specific changes to the post on any platform, switch to the tab given on top of the text field to that particular platform and then make the edits. 
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