How Can I Set up Custom Email for All Brands?

When you custom-set up emails for brands, the email communications feel more personal and professional. If you are handling multiple brands at the same time, the custom emails make sure each brand's emails sound just right for that brand, helping the end customer recognize and remember the brand better and making them more likely to read and respond to the emails.

Here is how you can do it:

After saving your brand details, you will prompted to an optional email set-up where you can fill in the details of how you would like your emails to go. Here, you can customize the email settings by entering these fields:

  • From Name: Specify the name you want recipients to see as the sender of the email. It could be your personal name, your brand's name, or any other relevant identifier that represents you or your organization.
  • Reply-to Email: Enter the email address where you want recipients to reply when they respond to your emails. This ensures that any replies go directly to the designated email address, allowing for efficient communication and follow-up.
  • From Email: Provide your personal or business email address (depending on your branding preferences and communication strategy) that you want recipients to see as the sender's address.

After entering the details, you have to click on โ€œStart Verification.โ€™ A pop-up will appear with instructions on how to verify the email.

Now click on โ€˜Send Link.โ€™ A verification email will be sent to the email address you entered. 

Open your inbox and then click on the verification link.

Your email is all verified. The next step is SPF Verification. To ensure that emails sent from your 'From Email' are not marked as spam, you need to set up an SPF record.

Now, add the provided MX and TXT records to your DNS zone editor settings.

After setting it up, your email verification window will look something like this.

Now, all you have to do is click on 'Save,' and your email information will be saved for that particular brand.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Since the custom email is an optional setup, you can skip this step altogether.

๐Ÿ‘‰ If your brand has multiple locations, you can add them individually within the brand management section. Specify the details for each location, such as the location name and any additional information required.

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