How to Add Contacts to Campaigns on SocialPilot Reviews?

Contacts are the cornerstone of any campaign. Without a curated list of contacts, there would be no recipients for your campaigns. Here is how you can add contacts to your campaign as follows:

In this article:

  1. How to Add Contacts to Campaigns?
  2. What Does Contact Activity on SocialPilot Reviews Mean?
  3. How to Know Which Are the Eligible Contacts for Campaigns?

How to Add Contacts to Campaigns?

Here is how you can add contacts to campaigns:

  1. Open your campaign dashboard and click on the 'Contacts' tab located to the right of the Workflow tab.
  2. Select whom to add from the Add Contact popup if you already have a contact list.
  3. If no contacts are available, go to the Contacts section by selecting the Contacts tab in the side menu. Here, you can add or import contacts and assign them to the appropriate locations.
  4. After adding the contacts, return to your campaign. Select the new contacts and click the Add Contact button to add them.
  5. After selecting the desired contacts, click the Add Contact button at the top right of the screen to finalize your additions.

👉 You can search for specific contacts or filter the contacts by status

What Does Contact Activity on SocialPilot Reviews Mean?

There are different types of status assigned to different contacts. Here is what each of them mean:

  1. Enrolled Contacts: These are individuals who continue to receive communications as they are not marked bounced or unsubscribed.
  2. Bounced Contacts: Marked if communications are undelivered, categorized into:
  • Hard Bounces: Permanent delivery issues like invalid email addresses.
  • Soft Bounces: Temporary issues such as full inboxes or server downtimes.
  1. Unsubscribed Contacts: Individuals who have opted out of receiving communications. It is crucial to respect their decision and remove them from future communications.
  2. Exited Contacts: Those who have completed their interaction with the campaign by taking actions like opening messages, leaving reviews, or giving ratings.

How to Know Which Are the Eligible Contacts for Campaigns?

You can add the following contacts to a campaign:

  1. Active Contacts: These are the contacts that have not unsubscribed or bounced.
  2. Bounced Contacts: These are the contacts that can be re-engaged for review campaigns.

⚠️ Please Note: Unsubscribed contacts cannot be added to a campaign.

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