How To Schedule Recurring Posts on SocialPilot?

Scheduling posts on repeat is a useful feature to keep your content visible and engage with your audience consistently over time. Whether you're sharing timeless content or repeating event posts, setting up a system for recurring posts will save you a lot of time and effort.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you schedule repeat posts

  1. Go to 'Create Post'
  2. Upload your content, add images or videos, and ensure everything is set for your initial post.
  3. Go to the arrow beside 'Schedule Post' and click on 'Repeat Post.'

  1. Now choose Repeat Frequency
  • Custom: Select this option if you want to set a specific number of days between each post.
  • Daily: Choose this to repeat your post every day. You can select this frequency for up to 31 days.
  • Weekly: Select this option to repeat your post every week. You can set this frequency for up to 1 year.
  • Monthly: Use this to have posts repeated once a month. This frequency can be set for up to 2 years.

  1. Now, choose the date and time for the first post to go live and the end date.

If you are posting to multiple accounts, you can stagger the posting time for each account to avoid simultaneous posts across platforms.

  1. Now, select the accounts where you want the repeat posts to be published
  2. Finally, when everything looks good, click on 'Schedule' to finalize the setup. Your posts will now be automatically repeated according to the schedule you set.

📋 Note:

Users can choose up to 10 accounts for scheduling recurring posts. If you exceed this limit, the option in the dropdown will be disabled.

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