How To Create Notes on Content Calendar?

Notes in SocialPilot provide an efficient way to centralize important information and reminders, making it easy for your team to stay organized and on track. Whether you’re planning campaigns, managing tasks, or coordinating activities, the Notes feature ensures that nothing is overlooked. By adding notes to specific times, dates, or date ranges in the calendar, you can enhance your ability to plan and organize effectively.

Here is how you can use Notes in SocialPilot:

In this article

  1. Creating a Note
  2. Editing a Note
  3. Filtering Notes on the Calendar
  4. Deleting Notes

1.Creating a Note

  1. From the dashboard, click on Posts ago to the Calendar section.
  2. To add a note, hover your mouse over the first row of any day, week, or month view in the calendar. This row is highlighted, indicating that you can add notes to it.
  3. Click on the highlighted area, and a menu will appear. Select the Create Note option to begin drafting your note.
  4. Now, create your note by adding the details below
  • Date Selection: By default, SocialPilot will select the date you clicked on to launch the Create Note screen. However, you can easily change this date by using the calendar control. If your note pertains to a range of dates, you can select a date range. The note will then appear as a continuous card across those dates in the calendar.
  • Choose a Color: Choose from six fixed colors to help differentiate your notes at a glance. The first time you create a note, the grey color will be selected by default. However, the last color you selected will be automatically applied to future notes unless you change it.
  • Add Content: Enter the content of your note in the provided text box. You have up to 500 characters to work with, which is ample space for most reminders and important details. You can also enhance your notes with emojis, making them easier to identify.
  • Tags and User Information: Below the note content, you can see any tags associated with the note. Tags help organize and filter notes later. The name of the user who created or last updated the note is displayed at the bottom of the note, providing clarity on who added or modified the note.
  1. Once you are satisfied with your note, click the Add button to save it. After saving, the Create Note screen will close automatically, and a success message, "Note has been created successfully," will appear on your screen, confirming that your note has been added to the calendar.

⚠️Note: If the note exceeds 500 characters, the counter will turn red, and the ‘Add’ button will be disabled.


  • A sample note for the current day is available on the calendar. This sample note is displayed to give you a quick idea of how notes work. However, it won’t appear if you’ve already created a note for that day.
  • You can only create notes for the current date or any future dates. If you try to create a note for a past date, SocialPilot will not allow it.
  • Multi-day notes, which span multiple dates, will be displayed as a continuous card on the calendar. This feature is particularly useful for tracking events or tasks that occur over several days.
  • SocialPilot allows a maximum of 10 cards (including notes and holiday cards) to be displayed in a 2-column layout. Multi-day notes will occupy both columns, providing a clear visual indication of their duration.

2.Editing a Note

  1. To edit an existing note, click on the note card directly within the calendar. This action will open the Note detail screen, where you can view all the details of the note.
  2. Click the Edit Note button, represented by a pencil icon, on the Note Detail screen. This will open the 'Edit Note' screen, where you can make changes.

Make Necessary Changes:

  • Click the Edit Note button, represented by a pencil icon.
  • In the Edit Note screen, you can modify the date or date range, change the color, add or remove tags, and update the content of the note as needed.

Confirmation of Changes:

  • Once you have made the necessary adjustments, you can click the Update button to save your changes.
  • After updating, the Edit Note screen will close, and a confirmation message, "Note has been updated successfully," will appear. This message confirms that your changes have been saved and applied to the calendar.

3.Filtering Notes on the Calendar

To help you quickly locate specific notes, SocialPilot provides filtering options within the calendar. This feature is especially useful if you have a large number of notes or if multiple team members are adding notes.

  • Filter by Teams:

    Use the Teams filter to display notes created or last updated by selected team members. This filter helps you focus on the notes relevant to your team or specific individuals within your organization.

  • Filter by Tags:

    Use the Tags filter to display notes with specific tags. Tags are a great way to categorize notes based on projects, campaigns, or other themes, making it easier to find relevant information quickly.

4.Deleting a Note

  • To delete a note, click on the note card within the calendar to open the Note Detail screen. Click the Delete Note button, represented by a trash icon, to remove the note from the calendar.
  • When prompted, confirm the deletion. This action will permanently remove the note from your calendar. Be sure to double-check that you no longer need the information before confirming.

👉 Notes:

Viewing Multiple Notes

  • If more than ten cards exist on a specific date (including notes and holiday cards), you will see a ‘+x More’ link. Click on this link to open a side panel that lists all notes for that day, including date ranges for multi-day notes. This ensures that you can access all your notes, even when they exceed the visible limit on the calendar.

Holiday Cards

  • Holiday cards always appear first in Day, Week, and Month views so that you can see important dates and holidays prominently, helping you plan your content around them.
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