How can I cancel my SocialPilot subscription?

Before you cancel your SocialPilot account, we would appreciate it if you contact our support team and let them know about the issues you are having with the tool.

Instead of cancelling your subscription, you can choose to pause your subscription for a certain period. The ability to pause subscription payments for a certain time period can be hugely beneficial for businesses and professionals who might want to keep their data intact but not use the tool or service for a certain time until business picks up back again. Follow these steps to pause your SocialPilot subscription.

Follow these steps to cancel your account:

Log into the SocialPilot panel.

Click on the User Profile > Your Profile


In the pop-up, you’ll find the Cancel Account link.

Clicking on the 'Cancel Account', you will be asked if you want to Pause your account instead or Continue with Cancellation. if you don't want to pause, you can continue with the cancellation process by selecting the reason.

Note: Once you Cancel the Account, the subscription will stop from the next billing.

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