Getting Started With SocialPilot Reviews


Your customers are searching for your business online, and their first impressions matter. With Reviews by SocialPilot, you can actively manage your online reputation, differentiate yourself from competitors, and improve your search engine rankings. You get a centralized platform where you can monitor, analyze, and respond to customer reviews from various online platforms, all in one place. 

This guide will help you get started with your Reviews account. You're only a few steps away from accessing a more efficient method for managing your online reputation. Simply open your Reviews account in a separate tab and follow the instructions provided.

In this Article

  1. Sign up
  2. Add brands
  3. Add locations
  4. Add contacts
  5. Create the first campaign
  6. Setting up Twilio Integration
  7. Add team members
  8. Managing Reviews and Feedback

1. Signing Up on Reviews

Signing up is quick and easy. Follow the simple steps below to create your Reviews account.

Go to the Reviews Website sign-up page and fill in these details:

  • First name 
  • Last Name
  • Business Email
  • Password (ensure it meets the specified requirements for strength and security)
  • Business Type
  • Phone Number

Once you have entered all required information and reviewed the terms, click the "Sign Up" button to complete the sign-up process.

Congratulations! You have successfully signed up for Reviews. 

You are now logged in to your account and begin exploring the features and tools available to manage your online reputation.

2. Connect Brands

The first step to using Reviews is to connect your brand account to the platform. A brand account represents your business identification within Reviews. 

✔️ You can have multiple brands, which is particularly useful for agencies managing multiple businesses for different clients.

In your Reviews dashboard, go to the ‘Brands’ Tab and click on ‘Create Brands’ to start adding your brand.

  • Enter the brand logo, name, time zone, date format, and location details.

  • Link your brand to Google Business Profile, Facebook, or other custom links. 

  • Check all entered information for accuracy, then save your brand.

You can set up a custom email to personalize your email communication.

3. Add Locations

To add new locations on the Reviews platform, follow these steps:

  • On the dashboard, find the sidebar menu and click the ‘Locations’ tab.
  • Now, you will have two options - Add Location and Manage Location.

Click the ‘Create Location’ button. 

Now fill in the details of your location:

  • Brand Selection
  • Location Name
  • Website URL
  • Country, City, State, Zip
  • Tags

The next step is to connect your review platforms.

  • For Google Business Profile, click on the ‘Connect’ button. A window will appear. In this window, sign in with your Google account or pick an account that's already linked.
  • Follow the same steps for Facebook.

To add custom links, click on ‘Add link’ next to the Custom Link option. Enter the URL where you wish to direct customers to leave reviews or feedback.

Once added, you can connect the account to the tool. You can add more than one location here.

Now, after entering the details, save the new location of the brand you have selected by clicking the ‘Save’ button.

4. Add Contacts

Contacts are the recipients of your outreach campaigns, primarily review requests. Here is how you can add contacts to the Reviews platform:

On the dashboard sidebar, locate and click the ‘Contacts.’ Select ‘Create Contact’ to start adding a new entry.

Fill in the following details:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Tags
  • Associated Locations

After filling in the details, click ‘Save’ to add the contact to your database. The new contract is now ready to receive communications and contribute to the data pool used for campaigns.

You can also bulk-upload contacts, as it is an efficient way to quickly fill out your contact list with hundreds and thousands of entries at once.

Here's a detailed guide on how to do it:

Before beginning the upload process, prepare a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file with all your contact information organized into columns such as first name, last name, email, phone number, and tags. Ensure that:

  • Each contact is in a separate row.
  • The first row contains column headers.
  • Email or phone number fields are filled out as they are essential for contact identification.

Now, go to the 'Contacts' tab on the dashboard sidebar and click on the 'Bulk Upload' option to proceed.

Choose the location for which you want to upload contacts from the drop-down menu labeled 'Select Locations' for which you want to upload contacts. Click on your desired location. You will see a drag-and-drop area on the bulk upload page with an option to browse your computer files.

Drag your prepared CSV file into the upload area or click ‘Browse’ to select the file manually.

Once uploaded, SocialPilot Review may provide a preview or a summary of the uploaded contacts for review.

Once the data is validated, you have to confirm the upload.

SocialPilot Review will process the file and add the contacts to your account's database.

After the upload, you can go to the contacts section to see all the newly added contacts.

5. Creating Your First Campaign

Creating a campaign within Reviews requires a thorough setup process to ensure effective outreach.

To launch a campaign in Reviews, start by selecting the 'Campaigns' tab and then click on 'Create Campaigns.'

Enter details like the campaign's name, location, start date/time, daily contact limits, and whether to add a feedback link. 

Decide on exit criteria to stop messages after a user clicks the review link. 

Once the location is added, you can add the contacts manually or let the tool auto-extract them based on the chosen location. 

The next step is to choose your campaign medium (text, email, or both). 

  • For emails, specify the sender's name, reply-to address, subject line, logo, button color, link choice (Facebook or Google Business Profile), and text color, and write the email body. 

  • Text campaigns require selecting a link and sender information and creating the message body with options to personalize. Preview your campaign before sending.

6. Text Campaign With Twillio

To send SMS messages through SocialPilot Review, you need to integrate Twilio, a cloud communications platform that provides APIs for SMS and other messaging services.

Here is how you can set up Twilio integration within SocialPilot Review:

  1. Enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio Console. These credentials are necessary to reach out to their customers via SMS, requesting reviews and feedback.

  1. Once Twilio is integrated, you can create your text campaigns with your sender IDs.

During campaign setup, the sender number will look something like this.

7. Add Team Members

To add team members, you have to click on profile on the top-right corner and then on 'Users.'

Upon clicking on the Users, now, on the top, locate 'Invite User' and click on it.

In order to invite others and create a team, your access role needs to be either 'Account Owner' or 'Admin.' You can add members and assign them roles of 'Admin,' 'Manager,' or 'Client.'

  • The admin can add new users and has all permissions except billing.
  • The manager can manage locations, campaigns, and reviews.
  • The client can view and comment on posts and connect new accounts.

Now add the email IDs of people you want to add as team members and assign them the role you want to give them - Admin, Manager, or Client. After this click, click on 'Send Invite.'

👉 If you select the campaign check box for clients, they can manage the campaigns that are running.

If you are also a SocialPilot user, your "Invite User" screen will display options for both SocialPilot and SocialPilot Reviews.

If your team members already use SocialPilot and you want to give them access to Reviews, too, you can simply click on 'Edit' next to their names, navigate to SocialPilot Reviews, click 'Edit' again, and assign them their roles.

👉 Note

  • On the 'Invite User' you can click on the arrow beside it to either send a direct SocialPilot Client Invite link by clicking the copy button, or you can edit it to send it to the client.
  • You can invite as many team members as you want on SocialPilot Reviews.
  • You can invite team members for SocialPilot and Reviews from either of the platforms, too.

While assigning roles to the manager and client, you can select all the brands and their locations you want them to have access to.

8. Manage Reviews and Feedback

To start managing all your reviews and feedback, go to the dashboard and click on the ‘Reviews’ tab and then on 'Reviews.'

You will now see a list of your locations on the left panel. Select the location you wish to manage reviews for. You will see a list of all the reviews from GBP and Facebook in one place. You can use the refresh button on the top to see all the new reviews. From this place, you can reply to each one of them.

Directly write personalized responses to reviews from the dashboard. You can also enhance replies with images, emojis, and GIFs for Facebook reviews.

Alternatively, you can also use AI for responses. Click on 'Reply with AI' to generate replies. If you are not satisfied with the output, you can edit the AI-generated replies to adjust length, grammar, or tone as necessary.

Now click 'Send' to post your reply.

You may sometimes want to filter all the reviews. For that you can use the search and filter option.

Searching and Filtering Reviews

Use the search bar at the top of the Reviews Inbox to find specific reviews by keywords or reviewer names. You can select a date range to view reviews from a specific period up to the past one year.

The filter button can be applied to reviews to filters such as tags, locations, sources, ratings, recommendations, reply status, and review content.

  • Tags help categorize and organize reviews. Click ‘Add Tag’ below any review to assign tags based on your preferences.
  • Location: Shows reviews from specific locations.
  • Sources: Identifies the medium of the review, like Facebook or GBP.
  • Ratings and Recommendations: Filter by user ratings and whether your business was recommended.
  • Reply Status: Shows whether a review has been responded to.
  • Review Content: Sorts reviews that include text feedback from those that are ratings only.
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