How Do I Set Up My Campaigns?

Requesting reviews from your customers shows that you value their opinions and feedback. It also creates an open channel for communication with customers to respond to feedback, resolve issues, and thank customers for their positive reviews. Creating a campaign within Reviews requires a thorough setup process to ensure effective outreach. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating this process:

Begin by clicking on the 'Campaigns' tab on the sidebar of the dashboard. Here, you will find the option to 'Create Campaigns,' which you should select to initiate a new campaign.

Here, you have to fill in the essential details of the campaign, including:

  • Name Your Campaign: Choose a clear and descriptive name for your campaign, which will help you identify and track its progress.
  • Select Locations: If you manage multiple locations, select the ones you want to target in this campaign.
  • Start Date and Time: Schedule when you want the campaign to start. Some platforms allow you to start immediately or at a future date and time.
  • Contact Selection: Choose the contacts you wish to include in this campaign. You may segment your contacts based on tags, previous interactions, or other criteria.
  • Communication Channels: Decide if you want to reach out via email, SMS, or both. Ensure you have valid contact details for your chosen method.
  • Daily Contact Limits: Set limits to control the maximum number of messages sent to a single contact.
  • Auto Add Contacts: Enabling this toggle means whenever new contacts are added to that particular location, the campaign request will be sent to them.
  • Intermediate Feedback Link: Choose to include a link for feedback.
  • Exit Criteria: Decide if clicking the review link halts further campaign messages to that user, preventing overcommunication.

🛠️ Auto-add Contacts Setting:

When enabled: Users can schedule campaigns even if they haven't added any contacts yet. The tool will automatically send campaign requests when new contacts are added to that location.

When disabled: Users must add at least one contact before they can schedule a campaign. This setting prevents the campaign from starting without any defined recipients.

☑️ End of Campaign End:

With auto-add contacts off: If no contacts are available (i.e., all potential contacts have already been utilized or there are no contacts to start with), the campaign ends after it sends out emails or texts to the existing list.

With auto-add contacts on: The campaign never ends because it continually seeks to add new contacts or has a mechanism to keep the campaign running by adding contacts as they become available.

To pause the campaign, you have to go to 'Manage Campaigns' and pause it manually.

The next step is designing a campaign workflow. 

Design Campaign Workflow

Designing how your campaign operates is important to its engagement and success rates. The first thing is to decide which communication channels you want to use for your campaign - Text (SMS) or emails are the most common mediums.

Email Settings: In email settings, you have to customize the email not just in terms of writing the content but also deciding on aesthetic elements and technical settings that can affect deliverability and engagement. 

Enter all the fields in the email setting. It includes 

  • From Name: This is the name recipients see as the sender when they receive your email.
  • Reply-To: The email address you want recipients to use if they reply to your email. 
  • Subject line: Write a clear and relevant subject line to the recipient
  • Add Logo: Include your logo to make it look more professional and trustworthy.
  • Review Link:  Choose the platform- Google Business Profile or Facebook
  • Button Color of Review Link: The color of the button containing the review link should be prominent from the rest of the email content to draw attention.
  • Text Color: The color of the text in your email should be readable against the background.

After you have entered all the above fields, it is time to write the body of the email. The message should be concise and personalized and convey the value of leaving a review. 

💡 A built-in spam detector analyzes your email for elements that could trigger spam filters. It ensures your email reaches the recipient's inbox by checking for excessive use of sales language, too many links, or other factors that could be seen as spammy.

After filling out all the details, you can opt for test emails or click on save. 

Text Message Settings: When setting up text messages, just like email, you have to include some essential details:

  • Review link:  Choose the platform- Google Business Profile or Facebook
  • From:  The "from" typically isn't a name but a phone number or a short code that identifies you.
  • Text body: Write your message in 160 characters.

The text body can be personalized by clicking on the ‘Personalize’ dropdown menu.

Click on 'Save' and then on ‘Schedule’ to begin the campaign. 

👉 Note

  • Besides the workflow tab, you can find the Preview of how your message will look when the recipients receive it. You can catch any errors or make final adjustments to ensure the message is clear, appealing, and actionable.
  • If your contact details are bounced, that particular contact will be highlighted in orange, showing the error.

Text Campaign With Twilio

To send SMS messages through SocialPilot Review, you need to integrate Twilio, a cloud communications platform that provides APIs for SMS and other messaging services.

Here is how you can set up Twilio integration within SocialPilot Review:

  1. Enter your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio Console. These credentials are necessary to reach out to their customers via SMS, requesting reviews and feedback.

  1. Once Twilio is integrated, you can create your text campaigns with your sender IDs.

During campaign setup, the sender number will look something like this.

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