How to Create Campaigns on SocialPilot Reviews?

Collecting reviews from your customers is a crucial part of maintaining and improving your brand’s online reputation. However, with a large customer base, manually managing review requests can be time-consuming. SocialPilot Reviews allows you to automate this process, making it simple to create and manage campaigns that request feedback and generate more 5-star reviews.

In this article

  1. How to Set up Your Review Campaign?
  2. How to Add Contacts and Manage Campaign Workflow?
  3. How to Set up the Campaign Workflow on SocialPilot Reviews?

How to Set up Review Campaign?

Here is how you you can set up review campaign on SocialPilot Reviews:

  1. Go to your dashboard and click on the Campaigns > Create Campaign.

  1. Assign a unique and descriptive name to your campaign for easy identification.
  2. Choose the location you want to target for the campaign. If you manage multiple brands, select the appropriate location associated with the brand.
  3. Enable Intermediate Feedback Page. Though this is an optional step, check this option to allow customers to provide direct feedback before leaving a public review. This can help filter negative feedback.
  4. Set the start date and choose the time zone for your campaign.
  5. Set the maximum number of contacts that can receive review requests each day to prevent overwhelming your audience.
  6. Choose how to enroll contacts
  • Automatically: New contacts added to the selected location are automatically enrolled to the campaign.
  • Manually: You can manually enroll contacts based on your preference.
  1. Select the criteria for when a contact should be unenrolled from the campaign:
  • On clicking a review link.
  • On opening an email.
  • On completion of the entire workflow.
  1. Adjust branding elements such as the button color, button text color, and upload your company logo to ensure consistent branding throughout the campaign communication.

How to Add and Manage Contacts?

When setting up a review campaign, the location you choose is crucial. The contacts associated with the selected location are automatically included in the campaign. Ensuring the right location is chosen helps target the appropriate audience and ensures smooth execution of the campaign.

Follow these steps to manage and add contacts effectively:

  1. During the initial setup, you select the location for the campaign. The contacts linked to this location are the ones that will be enrolled in the campaign. Make sure to select the correct location as only these contacts will be available for review requests.
  2. Once you have selected the location, you can view and manage all contacts associated with it. The Contacts tab displays key details of each contact, including their Full Name, Email, Phone Number, and current Activity status. Understanding these statuses helps you track each contact’s journey through the campaign:
    • Enrolled: This status means the contact is actively participating in the campaign. They will receive review requests via email or SMS based on the schedule you have set. Contacts remain in this status until they either interact with the campaign or complete it.
    • Exited: Contacts with this status have interacted with the campaign, such as by clicking a review link or submitting a review, or they have completed the entire workflow of the campaign. Once a contact is marked as Exited, they will no longer receive further communications from the campaign, ensuring they are not overwhelmed with redundant requests​.
    • Bounced: This status indicates that there was a delivery issue with the communication sent to the contact. Bounced contacts typically have invalid or outdated email addresses or phone numbers, resulting in failed attempts to send review requests.
  3. Use the Search bar to quickly find specific contacts within your list. You can also click on Filter to sort contacts based on criteria such as tags or activity.

How to Enroll New Contacts?

SocialPilot Reviews allows both automatic and manual enrollment depending on how you set up the campaign during the initial phase. If you want to add click the + Enroll button to manually add more contacts to the campaign.

How to Set up the Campaign Workflow on SocialPilot Reviews?

Here is the final stage of setting up your campaign:

  1. In the Workflow section personalize elements such as the sender name, reply-to email, and text sender for SMS campaigns.
  2. To include both email or SMS in the same campaign, click + Add in the workflow section and select either Email or Text (SMS) from the dropdown.
  3. Compose the body of the email or SMS.

By default, there’s a one-day delay between two similar communications (e.g., two emails). If you prefer quicker follow-ups, switch the communication type from email to SMS to avoid overwhelming customers.

💡 A built-in spam detector analyzes your email for elements that could trigger spam filters. It ensures your email reaches the recipient's inbox by checking for excessive use of sales language, too many links, or other factors that could be seen as spammy.

  1. Before launching, always preview how the messages will appear to customers. You can also send a test email to yourself to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  2. Once the campaign is ready, click Launch. SocialPilot will begin sending emails and texts according to the schedule you’ve defined. Keep in mind, the Start Date and Location are locked once the campaign goes live, though you can still adjust the workflow or add contacts.

Pausing and Resuming the Campaign

  • If changes need to be made after launching, click Pause, make the necessary adjustments, and then resume the campaign. If there’s an issue (e.g., running out of email credits), the campaign will automatically pause and alert you until the issue is resolved.

Duplicating and Archiving Campaigns:

  • If a campaign is successful, you can duplicate it and make slight adjustments for future campaigns. You can also archive or delete campaigns as needed to maintain a clean workspace.

Searching and Filtering Contacts:

  • Use the Search bar to quickly find specific contacts within your list.

  • You can also click on Filter to sort contacts based on criteria such as tags or activity.

Enrolling Contacts

  • If needed, click the + Enroll button to manually add more contacts to the campaign. The system allows both automatic and manual enrollment depending on how you set up the campaign during the initial phase.

Contact Status:

The Activity column indicates whether a contact is actively enrolled in the campaign. You can also check the Tags column to manage any specific labels assigned to the contacts, which can help in segmentation or targeted messaging.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your contacts within the campaign and ensure that review requests are sent to the right individuals at the right time.

⚠️ To send SMS messages through SocialPilot Review, you need to integrate Twilio, a cloud communications platform that provides APIs for SMS and other messaging services.

⚠️ There is no limit to the number of campaigns you can create, regardless of your plan. However, if you run out of email credits, the campaign will be paused until you add more. This applies to both Starter and Pro plan users.

For SMS-based campaigns, SocialPilot Reviews integrates with Twilio. If you're using a free Twilio account, there is a limited number of SMS messages you can send. With a paid Twilio plan, the number of SMS messages you can send depends on the plan you’ve purchased.

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