How do I Share Instagram Posts from my Personal Account with Mobile Reminders?


Earlier, Instagram had a restricted API that didn't allow any third-party app to publish posts on it directly. Now that they have removed these restrictions, Instagram allows you to share Posts, Reels, and Stories to your Instagram account with the help of SocialPilot.

📋 Note: For professional accounts like business and creator profiles, you can schedule all types of Instagram content through direct publishing or mobile reminders. The only exception is Stories can not be published directly to a Creator profile. They will go through mobile reminder.

For Personal profiles, you need to use mobile reminders for all types of posts.

SocialPilot has come up with push notifications and Insta reminders for your Instagram personal profile posts. For posts that cannot be shared directly, you can use Insta reminders. You'll receive a push notification for your post exactly when you have scheduled it for.

To know more about which type of accounts support which type of scheduling options, click here

This article will walk you through how to schedule posts on Personal accounts with SocialPilot.

In This Article

  1. Connecting your Instagram account
  2. Creating an Instagram Post
  3. How Do Insta Reminders Work?

Connecting Your Instagram Personal Account

  1. Log into your SocialPilot account.
  2. Click on 'Accounts' > Connect Account > Instagram

  1. Once you connect it to your web, please make sure you install the SocialPilot App on your mobile phone - Android | iOS

Creating an Instagram Post

  1. Click on 'Posts' > Create Post to draft your content

  2. Click on the 'Add Media' icon to upload a single video or up to 10 images from your Google Drive, Dropbox and Box or directly from your computer or to share an image with its URL. You can also share one video as a post, Story or Reel.

    You can use the stock images available on the SocialPilot scheduler from the Unsplash integration. Simply click on the "Add media from external source" button and search for a suitable image by typing a term in the given search bar, select the image, and click on "Add Image."

  1. Select your Instagram account or accounts for which you want to schedule the post. 
  2. To customize the post just for Instagram, create and edit the content under the Instagram tab. Learn More.
  3. Now move the toggle to mobile reminder since that is the way content can be published on an Instagram personal account. After this all you need to do is select the scheduling option of your choice and set your content up to be published.

📋 Note: Please make sure you are logged into your SocialPilot account on your mobile phone (the same account you used to create this post) in order to receive notifications.

How Do Insta Reminders Work?

  1. You'll receive a push notification on your phone at the time you scheduled the post.

    📋 Note: Please make sure you have all the notifications 'on' for the SocialPilot app. Also, make sure you are logged into the correct Instagram account beforehand.

  1. As you receive the push notification on your phone, please click on the 'Share' button.

  2. You'll be led to your post in the SocialPilot app. Select 'Feed' or 'Story' to share this post on your Instagram. (And that's why you need to ensure that you are logged into the correct Instagram account beforehand).
  3. As you click on the "Story" or "Feed" button, a pop-up window will appear asking your permission to open Instagram

  4. As soon as you do that, you will get two pop-ups - one asking to add photos to your device's gallery.

    And the other to open Instagram.

  1. Now, you will be led to your Instagram account, where you can edit your image with the Instagram image editor (if you wish to) and click on the 'Next' arrow.

    📋 Note:

    • The post content is not automatically displayed in the caption area on your Instagram account. So, we copy your post content to the clipboard and then use the paste button to get the content into the caption area.
    • If you have multiple images scheduled, All of the images downloaded in your gallery, You will have an option to select them before clicking on the Next button.

  1. Remember, we copied your post description to the clipboard? Press in the caption text box for long and select 'Paste' from the pop-up.

  1. Your post content will be posted. Click on the 'Share' button to share your scheduled Instagram post.

You have successfully shared your post on Instagram with SocialPilot's Instagram scheduling.

📋 Note: If you miss the push notification or you have cleared your notification tab by mistake, don't worry. You'll have the post ready in your SocialPilot App. Click on the sidebar and tap on 'Insta Notifications.' You'll find that push notification post under the 'Insta Scheduled Posts' tab and click on the 'Share on Instagram' button to share your post.

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