Why is My Post Generating an Error?

Posts can go into the 'error' tab for the following reasons:

  1. The posts may have been rejected by a particular social platform. In such a case, go to the 'Error' tab, fix the content error, and then re-share/reschedule it.
  2. Your authorization token might have expired. To fix this issue, you need to reconnect your account with SocialPilot. If it still does not work, you may have to re-authorize your page (Re-authorization is for Facebook, Linkedin, and Pinterest in particular).
  3. You may have violated the terms and conditions of that particular social media site and hence, you aren't able to publish posts for that particular account. 
  4. You may have shared the same post on multiple Twitter account.
  5. You might have uploaded large image files which are not allowed by certain social networking websites. Go through the social network’s FAQ section for their image guidelines.
  6. You may not have access to configured Groups or Pages after your authorization with SocialPilot.
  7. In the case of Instagram, it'll give you a rate limit reached error if you have shared up to 25 posts in 24 hours. Learn More.
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